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Why You Should Have Your Lifestyle Newborn Session at Home


Updated: Feb 15, 2024

Home. Probably the first place you took your baby after leaving the hospital, or maybe even where he was born. The place where you'll spend the majority of your time during the first few weeks of your baby's life. The place where he will grow up, have his first solid foods, take his first steps, head off for his first day of school, celebrate birthdays, have playdates, laugh, cry and just live life. The place where your family feels most comfortable. Where else could be better for documenting those early days and having your lifestyle newborn photos taken? Even still, I know a lot of people have concerns about the idea of having photos taken in their own house. Keep reading for some of the most common objections I hear and how I answer them... Enjoy the photos of baby Lewin and his beautiful parents while you're here!

But what if my house is too dark?

It isn't. All I need is one window, and I have yet to visit a house without one. In fact, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't meet the building code anyway.

What if my house is too small?

Fortunately, this doesn't matter much for newborn photos. I'm usually up close to get those cute little details anyway, but I can always find at least one spot in your house where there's enough room for me to back up and get some shots of the whole family.

What if my house is too messy or cluttered?

Duh, you just had a baby. Of course it is. That's life and I don't worry about it too much. We can move distracting looking items as we go, but if you're really worried about it, I tend to shoot in the living room, nursery and parents room, so if you want to straighten up before I come, focus on those rooms rather than stressing and tiring yourself out by cleaning the whole house.

What if my house isn't well decorated?

Let's face it - not everyone's home belongs on Pinterest inspiration boards. Jordan and Alicia's totally does, and they put a lot of effort and love into renovating and decorating it to get it to that point, so that's something I wanted to showcase in their photos, but having a beautiful home like theirs definitely isn't mandatory. I'm shooting to capture your family's love and connection, not for an interior design magazine, so the focus will be on you and not your house. Besides, isn't it fun to look back on old photos and immediately know when and where they were taken based on the (possibly questionable) couch or wallpaper in them?

Ultimately, lifestyle newborn photos are about capturing this time in its most natural, authentic and beautiful state. Taking the photos at home is the best way to ensure that when you look at them in the future you'll be transported back to this happy, cozy, exhausting, fleeting time better than any studio photos ever could. Still have questions or concerns? Leave a comment below or send me a message and I'll be happy to address them!


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